mercredi 8 avril 2009

Day 377

Wien is, till now, a bad and very bad experience... And the keybord is as confusing as Jiri's one... :(
The guy who was supposed to host me finally replied to me to comfirme it... half an hour ago... So I got to the train station here around 1pm. No currency exchance office, no internet, no locker to keep my bag, and I had nowhere to go.
Took the metro, found an internet cafe, found a more or less cheap hostel, tried to go there. Fucking far... But me, thinking that walking from the metro to the hostel, instead of taking the bus, could be nice. You know it was still sunny and the city is beautiful. But NO it wasn't!! The hostel is situated outside Vienna, on top of a mountain. I let you imagine myself with my bags, the huge sun and that monster to climb... I arrived here, went straight to the shower, and then, I got the answer of the guy... Bastard
But I have to reckon the view from here is amazing! But (because there is always a but) there is no kitchen nor shop close from here... I need to take the bus (i will never walk that again) to buy something I can eat without cooking... Obviously, i wanted to go around the city tonight to enjoy a bit, but a strom is starting...
Well finaly, im not to sure about being alone in a hostel. With CouchSurfing I spent the 2 last days alone, but at night we went out for a drink and it was really cool. Here now everybody are 8 years old or 40 ... and there is no bar and no night bus...
Yeah what a party in Wien youloulou!
:) but im full of hope for tomorrow... its HAS to be better lol

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Ahhh non tout va mal pour toi! Rien ne change en Angleterre, ca a fait un an que je suis avec Ben la semaine passee!! Et puis tu dois menvoyer un email pour que je puisse savoir quand demander conge, mais sa va devoir surement etre un long weekend, au pire jirais te rejoindre nimporte ou. Je crois que amsterdam me tente pas mal. tk, email moi! je taime!!!
