vendredi 10 avril 2009

Day 379

My second day in Vienna was better. The city is beautiful but no so exciting, maybe because i was alone, maybe because I walked almost 3 hrs on the ring (which is the main street going in round built on a forteress or something) and a saw massives museums and looooottttsss of shops and old people shopping. So I stop in a posh coffe shop for a cappuccino on a chic terrasse haha!
The girls sharring the hostel room with me were cool but boring, 3 of them went to sleep aroung 9-10pm both nights... and I did the same... I paid for that bed better using it!
Im now in Bratislava (Gab jai une bonne photo pour toi tu va rire!) and its all right. The guy hosting me is working till 10pm, in a call center. But the funniest is that he works for a porn website comapgnie, so hes customers are mainly people complaning cause someone else stole their credit card details to spend it on that web site! wow cool job... Anyway, he is working far from the center so here i am waiting for him to come back so i can go to have a shower and sleep lol... He said there is maybe a Couch Surfers meeting here tonight, so then we will head up there.
Ah et en passant, jai rencontrer un couple de quebecois a Prague et en leur parlant jai realiser a quel point je perds mon francais! Jessayais de dire que je voyageais et cetait comme: je tra... je tra... je travel... heum tse voyons! Et puis a Vienne jai realiser que je pensais pratiquement tout le temps en anglais... Donc voici un retour du francais sur cette page. Jecris dans mon journal de bord, en francais evidemment, mais ce ne semble pas suffisent!

2 commentaires:

Simon a dit…

Ah non! faut pas que tu perde ton francais Justine! L'anglais prend toute la place beaucoup trop rapidement mais tu va résister! Cest fou quand meme, tes dans la ville de Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert Haydn !:) ya des orchestre fou dans ton coins!! qui on genre 3-400 ans! jsuis un peu jaloux en fait, y doit tellement avoir qqch de magique dans cette ville!

Anonyme a dit…

non je te jures, je perds tellement mon francais j'ai de la misere a parler a ma mere sans struggler(?) et je pense definitivement en anglais la plupart du temps. bizarre!
