lundi 13 avril 2009

Day 382

Here's my last day in Budapest, amazing and beautiful city! I've been hosted by a guy from Kentucky, USA, living here for a scholarship in astronomy, so basicly he came here 7 months ago to study the stars with some professionals, and its cool. He's learning hungarian in his free time, and then he goes out a lot with the young hungarians he met here.
The city, few years ago, made a hole in the middle of Pest, the most modern part of the city if I can say, and they made some fondations. It was suppose to be the futur National Opera. For some reasons, they stoped it and built the National Opera somewhere else. So, there is a big hole in the city where the Budapest Youth goes during the day for a sun bath, and at night because everybody is there, drinking beer or cheap hungarian wine, playing music, or doing some street performances, etc. We went there on friday, twice, and I dont know how to describe that. Ca me rappellait un peu le festival des Mongolfieres, mais c'est plus comme si les ados avaient vieillis un peu! Za Ibista!
I"ve seen the Castle, the old Church, the old Synagogue, the citadel. Was worth it. Today I'm going to the Monument Park. Park where the government post-communism moved all the statues of propaganda out of the city. Only one is remaining in the town, only because its way too big to be move away. So, they put a gate around it, because every once in a while, someone is trowing pretty much anything to it. The hungarian flag under communism had the hammer symbol in the middle of the 3 stripes, and during the revolution poeple were simply cuting a hole in the middle of the flag. The one in front of the Parliament still has it. Quite interresting city yeah!
I'm taking the train this after-noon and 10hrs later, after 2 transfers, I'm gonna meet Mimi en Croatie esti! J'ai hate :)

PS: Je n'ai pas eu de fete a thematique de Paques cette annee, on est simplement sortis pour quelques verres dans les rues vides de budapest car tout le monde etait en famille... Quelqu'un a toujours un des medaillons que j'offrais pour Paques l'an passe? :)

4 commentaires:

cesetizleri a dit…

Budapest is nice city. It's Sister city of Istanbul.
from Turkey with love

Simon a dit…

Oui! hahaha jlai vu dernierement en plus!!

lolo a dit…

Chanceuse t allée a Budapesttttttt

Le médaillon fait en effet toujours partie du fouilli sur mon bureau

Gab a dit…

Moi je sais pu il est où. Il est peut-être aller rejoindre tes défunts plasters de Jésus au ciel. (Il t'en reste encore?)