mardi 12 mai 2009

Day 411

Here is some pictures. I feel like I will keep doing that for a long time! So, here is only the beggining!
Aleluya! I cannot go to Rome without seeing the Pope!
I cannot prove I went to paris without a personalised picture of the Eiffel Tower! So there you go, with Tuska's diamond!
I cannot go to Lille without eating pasta and cheese with Jeremy :)
I cannot go to Berlin without walking on Hitler's bunker! Well... now it is a parking spot but... you know.
I could have been to Szszecin and avoid that though... Sexy Grzechu and I for a 80's party...!
You cannot have a 80's polish party without Mireille Matthieu!
Juju Darek i Grabbash in the kitchen of Lodogryf Allstars, important to specify, but I guess everybody niticed the 80's look...
They were not too sure about my look... Maybe they just dont want me as their fan number one...
80's night number 2. Nice improving I think.
Nothing else to say, sauf peut-etre pour les amis canadiens! C'est en fait le surnom de leur flat polonais inscrit dans le logo d'une marque de vodka :)
Juju back to Camden Market! Lot of things changed in 14 months, but the horses stayed! I am soooo happy of that!

1 commentaire:

G. a dit…

Ton plus fidèle (et surtout expressif) lecteur te dit: tu es magnifique sur la dernière photo. Tout simplement.