samedi 16 mai 2009

Day 415

Today is my last full day abroad, the last full one in London too. I am nervous. Maybe because Tuska is working now and her landlord is suppose to here today, obviously I am not allowed to live here, even for few days, so I have to hide myself in her room, the door close, without music and all. Haha. Exciting!
I met people from Proud Thursday night, for a last english meal with them. Steph cooked us an amazing Full English Breakfast. We ate it a 10pm with Rosé. MMmmm 
Yesterday Marta and I went for a pint with people from Pret, like they always do every single friday. Then the plan was to go out dancing with Andy at Koko... After queuing for ages, they asked for our ids. I showed them an expired student card and it was fine. But the passport's photocopy of Andy wasn't enough... Result, we went with Marta and Sina to Made in Brazil, which is a resto-bar with the same live band on fridays. Was funny I think. I ordered the beers in spanish, even though I perfectly know brazilians speak Portuguese... «Tres cervezas por favor!» The girl was really happy and started talking to me in Spanish... «Heu... nie nie! Muvie ochupinka po polsku!» So yes, my brain mixes spanish and polish now... Ale Betchka... haha
I am going to meet Ray very soon,  and it is way to weird for me to think about all those "last time doing this, last time doing that". I knew that was going to happen when I left St-Jean, but now that I have to go through it, I don't really enjoy... mettons!
I added some more videos on youtube. Personally they all make me laugh, but maybe it's no so funny when you don't know the people or anything... Anyway! ME MYSELF AND I, WE think it's fucking funny and WE laugh! OK?!  

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