lundi 18 mai 2009

Day 417

Unsurprisingly, after a massive amount of tears, I sat down on the aircraft of Thomas Cook, towards Montreal. Everybody around me were speaking french, the french-canadian way. But I don't know if I liked it. For sure I was happier to hear french in France. 
I plugged my own earphones in my armchair to save few pounds, so I could watch the silly movies, with the sound on my left ear only. I was trying not to think so much. After all I was leaving a lot of things behind me... I was also trying to avoid a discussion with the old english lady sitting beside me, hopefully we had one seat free between us. She was alright but you know, I looked like a young girl afraid of planes or something!
Seven hours later, we started landing. I was looking through the small round window and I recognized straight away the North American land. Lot of space with perpendicular roads. It was quite cloudy, but one ray of light was directly illuminating the Olympic Stadium, the fabulous Stadium printed on every touristic souvenirs of Montreal. Wow!
Once at the airport with everything written in both french and english, I got my luggage and crossed THE gate. Alone with my troller full, I was looking for family and friends when I saw a freaky guy jumping and waving in my direction. Was it my brother? No... probably an other passenger's friend... NO! It was Gab :) He was with Nhu-Ahn and her boyfriend! And my parents were late haha!
It feels good to be back home, with the family and all. But the best would have been to bring few people with me. 
I might put some pictures here soon. However, this is not only the end of a long journey in London and Europe, it is also the end of the blog. Cheers dear readers ;)

samedi 16 mai 2009

Day 415

Today is my last full day abroad, the last full one in London too. I am nervous. Maybe because Tuska is working now and her landlord is suppose to here today, obviously I am not allowed to live here, even for few days, so I have to hide myself in her room, the door close, without music and all. Haha. Exciting!
I met people from Proud Thursday night, for a last english meal with them. Steph cooked us an amazing Full English Breakfast. We ate it a 10pm with Rosé. MMmmm 
Yesterday Marta and I went for a pint with people from Pret, like they always do every single friday. Then the plan was to go out dancing with Andy at Koko... After queuing for ages, they asked for our ids. I showed them an expired student card and it was fine. But the passport's photocopy of Andy wasn't enough... Result, we went with Marta and Sina to Made in Brazil, which is a resto-bar with the same live band on fridays. Was funny I think. I ordered the beers in spanish, even though I perfectly know brazilians speak Portuguese... «Tres cervezas por favor!» The girl was really happy and started talking to me in Spanish... «Heu... nie nie! Muvie ochupinka po polsku!» So yes, my brain mixes spanish and polish now... Ale Betchka... haha
I am going to meet Ray very soon,  and it is way to weird for me to think about all those "last time doing this, last time doing that". I knew that was going to happen when I left St-Jean, but now that I have to go through it, I don't really enjoy... mettons!
I added some more videos on youtube. Personally they all make me laugh, but maybe it's no so funny when you don't know the people or anything... Anyway! ME MYSELF AND I, WE think it's fucking funny and WE laugh! OK?!  

mardi 12 mai 2009

Day 411

Here is some pictures. I feel like I will keep doing that for a long time! So, here is only the beggining!
Aleluya! I cannot go to Rome without seeing the Pope!
I cannot prove I went to paris without a personalised picture of the Eiffel Tower! So there you go, with Tuska's diamond!
I cannot go to Lille without eating pasta and cheese with Jeremy :)
I cannot go to Berlin without walking on Hitler's bunker! Well... now it is a parking spot but... you know.
I could have been to Szszecin and avoid that though... Sexy Grzechu and I for a 80's party...!
You cannot have a 80's polish party without Mireille Matthieu!
Juju Darek i Grabbash in the kitchen of Lodogryf Allstars, important to specify, but I guess everybody niticed the 80's look...
They were not too sure about my look... Maybe they just dont want me as their fan number one...
80's night number 2. Nice improving I think.
Nothing else to say, sauf peut-etre pour les amis canadiens! C'est en fait le surnom de leur flat polonais inscrit dans le logo d'une marque de vodka :)
Juju back to Camden Market! Lot of things changed in 14 months, but the horses stayed! I am soooo happy of that!

lundi 11 mai 2009

Day 410

Oui oui je suis saine et sauve. De retour a Londres.
Cool trip, et maintenant je me prepare mentalement au vrai grand depart. Je sais pas, c'est etrange...
Bon, je profite de mon temps avec Tuska!
A la semaine prochaine St-Jean!
Ps: Ale Betcka ca veut dire literalement: Quel Baril!, mais c'est plutot utiliser comme exclamation de joie, pareil comme youloulou...!

vendredi 8 mai 2009

Day 407

I am now in direct of Szczecin. I just arrive. Funny but hearing polish around me on the train made me so happy. I feel good. I feel almost like home, so I can't imagine how it will be back to London, or even! Back to St-Jean-sur-Richelieu!
Almost youloulou, but for now: Ale Betchka!

mercredi 6 mai 2009

Day 405

Je m'ennuie de la maison. Surtout quand je ne comprends plus rien dans mes histoires de trains. Et là, je ne savais plus quelle date j'etais donc j'ai pris le train Amsterdam-Berlin comme je fais normalement. Premier probleme: la petite controleuse me fais debarquer au prochain stop car ma passe a expirerait hier...  Deuxieme truc: la dame d'Amsterdam ne m'a pas imprimé l'itineraire pour aller à Berlin, mais plutôt à Hamburg... Donc grosse confusion, je reste prise 2 hrs dans une ville inconnue des Pays-bas où tout le monde parle une langue si étrange. Surtout que je m'étais bien habituée à ne parler qu'en Français suite à une semaine en France, notre terre patrie! He-heum!

Well, I met that cold man who really didn't care about my life story and all. The only ticket he found for me, to go to Berlin, was 97,20Euro. No way he was going to try to find me an other possibility... I was crying like a baby. In my head was like: What the fuck am I doing here while I could be home with moooomy? Why am I in a city I cant pronounce the name, at 7am, waiting for a good idea to come out from the rain?  

So then I thought about buses, should be longer but cheaper right! Came back to the old man, still very cold and all. Asked him about international buses or anything like that : "No no there is nothing else. No."

So, one global pass for unlimited train journeys within one month cost 400Euro, while Small city to Berlin is 100... The worst was the train itself. If at least it was a nice TGV, super fast and top modern... No.

I spent 2 days here, in Berlin, then back to Poland for the weekend. From there I'll take a plane to London. I.ll stay there untill the 17th and then! All that story will be over. London, Pret a Manger, Proud, Camden, Pubs, clubs, trains, Europe, weird langages, everything will be finish... 

Je sais pas, ca me fait tout drôle on dirait de penser à ça. C'est fucké tout simplement. 

dimanche 3 mai 2009

Day 402

Now in direct of Lille, north of France, with Jérémy! Having good times!
Paris was great! I went to the protestes of the 1rst of May, fête des travailleurs. Workers unions, students associations and minority groups were there to say one thing to the governements; we dont want to pay for the capitalism mystake, for the final crisis. It was sunny, people where playing music and percussions, some others were doind BBQ, well, a very nice event!
Before Paris I was in Marseille, really nice place too! I think a start loving France!
The best was absolutly to hear and read french everywhere all the time! I walk in the street and I understand everything! Wow haha
From Rome to Marseille I had 2hrs to wait between trains in Nice. I walked to the sea, with the sun and MY language everywhere, I had goosebumps and everything!
A bit on a rush now, but I'll try to give news more often, Promis Maman :)