dimanche 28 juin 2009

lundi 18 mai 2009

Day 417

Unsurprisingly, after a massive amount of tears, I sat down on the aircraft of Thomas Cook, towards Montreal. Everybody around me were speaking french, the french-canadian way. But I don't know if I liked it. For sure I was happier to hear french in France. 
I plugged my own earphones in my armchair to save few pounds, so I could watch the silly movies, with the sound on my left ear only. I was trying not to think so much. After all I was leaving a lot of things behind me... I was also trying to avoid a discussion with the old english lady sitting beside me, hopefully we had one seat free between us. She was alright but you know, I looked like a young girl afraid of planes or something!
Seven hours later, we started landing. I was looking through the small round window and I recognized straight away the North American land. Lot of space with perpendicular roads. It was quite cloudy, but one ray of light was directly illuminating the Olympic Stadium, the fabulous Stadium printed on every touristic souvenirs of Montreal. Wow!
Once at the airport with everything written in both french and english, I got my luggage and crossed THE gate. Alone with my troller full, I was looking for family and friends when I saw a freaky guy jumping and waving in my direction. Was it my brother? No... probably an other passenger's friend... NO! It was Gab :) He was with Nhu-Ahn and her boyfriend! And my parents were late haha!
It feels good to be back home, with the family and all. But the best would have been to bring few people with me. 
I might put some pictures here soon. However, this is not only the end of a long journey in London and Europe, it is also the end of the blog. Cheers dear readers ;)

samedi 16 mai 2009

Day 415

Today is my last full day abroad, the last full one in London too. I am nervous. Maybe because Tuska is working now and her landlord is suppose to here today, obviously I am not allowed to live here, even for few days, so I have to hide myself in her room, the door close, without music and all. Haha. Exciting!
I met people from Proud Thursday night, for a last english meal with them. Steph cooked us an amazing Full English Breakfast. We ate it a 10pm with Rosé. MMmmm 
Yesterday Marta and I went for a pint with people from Pret, like they always do every single friday. Then the plan was to go out dancing with Andy at Koko... After queuing for ages, they asked for our ids. I showed them an expired student card and it was fine. But the passport's photocopy of Andy wasn't enough... Result, we went with Marta and Sina to Made in Brazil, which is a resto-bar with the same live band on fridays. Was funny I think. I ordered the beers in spanish, even though I perfectly know brazilians speak Portuguese... «Tres cervezas por favor!» The girl was really happy and started talking to me in Spanish... «Heu... nie nie! Muvie ochupinka po polsku!» So yes, my brain mixes spanish and polish now... Ale Betchka... haha
I am going to meet Ray very soon,  and it is way to weird for me to think about all those "last time doing this, last time doing that". I knew that was going to happen when I left St-Jean, but now that I have to go through it, I don't really enjoy... mettons!
I added some more videos on youtube. Personally they all make me laugh, but maybe it's no so funny when you don't know the people or anything... Anyway! ME MYSELF AND I, WE think it's fucking funny and WE laugh! OK?!  

mardi 12 mai 2009

Day 411

Here is some pictures. I feel like I will keep doing that for a long time! So, here is only the beggining!
Aleluya! I cannot go to Rome without seeing the Pope!
I cannot prove I went to paris without a personalised picture of the Eiffel Tower! So there you go, with Tuska's diamond!
I cannot go to Lille without eating pasta and cheese with Jeremy :)
I cannot go to Berlin without walking on Hitler's bunker! Well... now it is a parking spot but... you know.
I could have been to Szszecin and avoid that though... Sexy Grzechu and I for a 80's party...!
You cannot have a 80's polish party without Mireille Matthieu!
Juju Darek i Grabbash in the kitchen of Lodogryf Allstars, important to specify, but I guess everybody niticed the 80's look...
They were not too sure about my look... Maybe they just dont want me as their fan number one...
80's night number 2. Nice improving I think.
Nothing else to say, sauf peut-etre pour les amis canadiens! C'est en fait le surnom de leur flat polonais inscrit dans le logo d'une marque de vodka :)
Juju back to Camden Market! Lot of things changed in 14 months, but the horses stayed! I am soooo happy of that!

lundi 11 mai 2009

Day 410

Oui oui je suis saine et sauve. De retour a Londres.
Cool trip, et maintenant je me prepare mentalement au vrai grand depart. Je sais pas, c'est etrange...
Bon, je profite de mon temps avec Tuska!
A la semaine prochaine St-Jean!
Ps: Ale Betcka ca veut dire literalement: Quel Baril!, mais c'est plutot utiliser comme exclamation de joie, pareil comme youloulou...!

vendredi 8 mai 2009

Day 407

I am now in direct of Szczecin. I just arrive. Funny but hearing polish around me on the train made me so happy. I feel good. I feel almost like home, so I can't imagine how it will be back to London, or even! Back to St-Jean-sur-Richelieu!
Almost youloulou, but for now: Ale Betchka!

mercredi 6 mai 2009

Day 405

Je m'ennuie de la maison. Surtout quand je ne comprends plus rien dans mes histoires de trains. Et là, je ne savais plus quelle date j'etais donc j'ai pris le train Amsterdam-Berlin comme je fais normalement. Premier probleme: la petite controleuse me fais debarquer au prochain stop car ma passe a expirerait hier...  Deuxieme truc: la dame d'Amsterdam ne m'a pas imprimé l'itineraire pour aller à Berlin, mais plutôt à Hamburg... Donc grosse confusion, je reste prise 2 hrs dans une ville inconnue des Pays-bas où tout le monde parle une langue si étrange. Surtout que je m'étais bien habituée à ne parler qu'en Français suite à une semaine en France, notre terre patrie! He-heum!

Well, I met that cold man who really didn't care about my life story and all. The only ticket he found for me, to go to Berlin, was 97,20Euro. No way he was going to try to find me an other possibility... I was crying like a baby. In my head was like: What the fuck am I doing here while I could be home with moooomy? Why am I in a city I cant pronounce the name, at 7am, waiting for a good idea to come out from the rain?  

So then I thought about buses, should be longer but cheaper right! Came back to the old man, still very cold and all. Asked him about international buses or anything like that : "No no there is nothing else. No."

So, one global pass for unlimited train journeys within one month cost 400Euro, while Small city to Berlin is 100... The worst was the train itself. If at least it was a nice TGV, super fast and top modern... No.

I spent 2 days here, in Berlin, then back to Poland for the weekend. From there I'll take a plane to London. I.ll stay there untill the 17th and then! All that story will be over. London, Pret a Manger, Proud, Camden, Pubs, clubs, trains, Europe, weird langages, everything will be finish... 

Je sais pas, ca me fait tout drôle on dirait de penser à ça. C'est fucké tout simplement. 

dimanche 3 mai 2009

Day 402

Now in direct of Lille, north of France, with Jérémy! Having good times!
Paris was great! I went to the protestes of the 1rst of May, fête des travailleurs. Workers unions, students associations and minority groups were there to say one thing to the governements; we dont want to pay for the capitalism mystake, for the final crisis. It was sunny, people where playing music and percussions, some others were doind BBQ, well, a very nice event!
Before Paris I was in Marseille, really nice place too! I think a start loving France!
The best was absolutly to hear and read french everywhere all the time! I walk in the street and I understand everything! Wow haha
From Rome to Marseille I had 2hrs to wait between trains in Nice. I walked to the sea, with the sun and MY language everywhere, I had goosebumps and everything!
A bit on a rush now, but I'll try to give news more often, Promis Maman :)

lundi 27 avril 2009

Day 396

I feel like, I dont know, I got enough of travelling now. Enough of the touristic places, it is all the same in the end. I have enough of the crowd of people talking weird languages, or worst! french-French! I have enough of walking around to see churches, museums, rivers, markets, tramways and train stations. Fucking train stations!
I know I might be a bit exausted now and unhappy about the train I missed for Marseille (because I went to the wrong train station, and it took me too long to find 1. the information center 2. sorry, the TRAIN information center 3.the ticket office to talk with someone, not only machines 4. Ah! The INTERnational train tickets office...) and now I have to wait till 11pm (instead of 6)... So i will loose one day to visit Marseille and arg! I am not in a good mood now!
Oh and the internet cafe here is creepy! 3 indians guys are working here. They asked for my id, to use a computer là! So I gave them an old student card, and the guy thought UQAM was my country of residence... Anyway. The worst is the internet connection, it is shutting all the time grrr...
And the cerise sur le sunday caliss! Marta just told me that Grzechu is now living with Ola! Can you fucking believe it! Me, I dont want to! No Grzechu no!
Ok ok, I am going outside chilling out bit.
Desole pour les mots vulgaires, ca m'aide a faire passer ma rage parfois...

dimanche 26 avril 2009

Day 395

Jai vu le Papee! Jai vuu le Papee!
He was dressed in Gold and he canonnized 4 italians and 1 portuguese as Saints. something like that. Was very interesting yes!
So, Im in Rome et je suis hebergee chez mon oncle, au couvent des Servites de Marie. We visited churches, the Colosseo and the Pantheon.
Im exausted and Im going to Marseille tomorrow, that means an other night train where I wont be able to sleep too well cause I break my back...
Je suis de retour a Montreal ben vite! Je pourrais conter les jours, mais je me garde une petite reserve, ca risquerait trop de freiner mon elan en Europe et m'empecher d'apprecier pleinement toutes les belles choses que je vois!

mercredi 22 avril 2009

Day 391

Dobardam! (hello in the language here!)
Today is my last full day with Myriam :(
Croatia was very nice, beautiful, and people were helpfull mostly when Mimi was trying to speak croatian with her dictionnary. But to be honnest, a week was a bit too long. We were not in the high touristic season so most of the time we've been fucked with the ferries schedules, same for the buses. Having a car to travel around here would have been the best option!
We are now in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, host of the '89 Olympics game and center point of the begening of World War I( Franz Ferdinand and his Wife Sofia were killed here). Yesterday we spent the day in Mostar (old bridge in their language) capital of Herzegovina AND capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Makes sense?
We visited both Old Towns and got the same impression: everything was nice and made for the tourists. But walking around, far from the old town was nicer, but sadder as well. I don't know, it's weird to think that we were young kids while, here, they were in war. We can still see the damages to houses and buildings and everything. Mostar was the worst I think. The old bridge was the ''connection between Orient and Occident'' so it had a huge sybolism when it was bombed in '92. Now completly rebuilt, it is part of the UNESCO Heritage and so on, so you can imagine its beatiful, and full of kiosks selling all the same crap. But once out of there, its different, a bit scary even. So poor and its looks so old with the partly destroyed buildings. Sarajevo is a bit better about that, but still...
Today Mimi and I were visiting the city when we suddently needed to pee :) So what we did, we went to the Holidays INN in front of us. The yellow and brown walls gave a very 80's look haha, even the entrance was... wow. But in fact this hotel was the last place bombed here because all the journalists seeked shelter there. Anyway, was nice.
Mimi bought a new mobile yesterday in Mostar, because she forgot hers in Split, Croatia. We went to an internet coffee right before taking our ferry for an small island. The minute we sat down, she realized she forgot it at the coffee, but it was like 5 min. too late, the boat wasn't going to wait for her while she run for her phone... But yes, its funny to buy an second hand phone to a weird guy who doesn't really speak english. The best was to buy the SIM card and then try to activate the mobile! Because obviously it wasn't writtin in english and the machine-lady talking on the phone at first spoke only serbo-croatian or something. Ale Betchka! ...
I got more pictures and videos, but its gonna be for an other day. Can't do everything at the same time! :)
Hvala! (Thank you ;) )

samedi 18 avril 2009

Day 387

Here some pictures. Very few pictures. Enjoy :)

View of Praha from the castle with the very best Shampoo in the world.

Im bored in the train... Can you lick my battery?

I asked an old man to take a nice picture of me and the badminton medal in front of the Castle in Vienna, but as you can see, my hightech camera was too complicated for him...

So I took a picture of Beethoven with it, still in Vienna.

Then I tried to take a picture of the view from my hostel with Grabbash's T-shirt... but it wasn't too sucessful...

There was a Polish shop near by... but was always closed...

The Diamond, the Catle of Bratislava, the restaurant/spaceship, and the new town.

My weeding ring and a King of Budapest.

Juju, Zul, was sleeping 2hrs on a platform of a train station. Then she walked around because she was too cold and had to wait 4 more hours for her next train, to finally realize there was a safe and warm spot indoor the station... ZUL! But she wasnt alone sleeping there! Clever zul!

Justine with the english look enjoying a Capuccino in Split, Croatia. Merci Mimi pour la belle photo...

Please, do not enter the cemetery in bathing suits! OK??

Looks like they like Vodka-pipi or Kiwi-pipi in Croatia...

Un vieux croate qui promene son chien en 4-roues... Je suis encore sceptique...

Typical moment in the fruits market! She sold us nice fresh spinach :)
I also added few videos on youtube! Look for justineyouloulou you can find them all!

vendredi 17 avril 2009

Day 386

Je suis en Croatie avec Mimi sti pis c'est le paradis!
It's beautiful, sunny (cold at night while campiing...), locals are nice with us, and we are too happy to be together here!
Dont have too much time, just wanted to say : we are alive and happy!

lundi 13 avril 2009

Day 382

Here's my last day in Budapest, amazing and beautiful city! I've been hosted by a guy from Kentucky, USA, living here for a scholarship in astronomy, so basicly he came here 7 months ago to study the stars with some professionals, and its cool. He's learning hungarian in his free time, and then he goes out a lot with the young hungarians he met here.
The city, few years ago, made a hole in the middle of Pest, the most modern part of the city if I can say, and they made some fondations. It was suppose to be the futur National Opera. For some reasons, they stoped it and built the National Opera somewhere else. So, there is a big hole in the city where the Budapest Youth goes during the day for a sun bath, and at night because everybody is there, drinking beer or cheap hungarian wine, playing music, or doing some street performances, etc. We went there on friday, twice, and I dont know how to describe that. Ca me rappellait un peu le festival des Mongolfieres, mais c'est plus comme si les ados avaient vieillis un peu! Za Ibista!
I"ve seen the Castle, the old Church, the old Synagogue, the citadel. Was worth it. Today I'm going to the Monument Park. Park where the government post-communism moved all the statues of propaganda out of the city. Only one is remaining in the town, only because its way too big to be move away. So, they put a gate around it, because every once in a while, someone is trowing pretty much anything to it. The hungarian flag under communism had the hammer symbol in the middle of the 3 stripes, and during the revolution poeple were simply cuting a hole in the middle of the flag. The one in front of the Parliament still has it. Quite interresting city yeah!
I'm taking the train this after-noon and 10hrs later, after 2 transfers, I'm gonna meet Mimi en Croatie esti! J'ai hate :)

PS: Je n'ai pas eu de fete a thematique de Paques cette annee, on est simplement sortis pour quelques verres dans les rues vides de budapest car tout le monde etait en famille... Quelqu'un a toujours un des medaillons que j'offrais pour Paques l'an passe? :)

vendredi 10 avril 2009

Day 379

My second day in Vienna was better. The city is beautiful but no so exciting, maybe because i was alone, maybe because I walked almost 3 hrs on the ring (which is the main street going in round built on a forteress or something) and a saw massives museums and looooottttsss of shops and old people shopping. So I stop in a posh coffe shop for a cappuccino on a chic terrasse haha!
The girls sharring the hostel room with me were cool but boring, 3 of them went to sleep aroung 9-10pm both nights... and I did the same... I paid for that bed better using it!
Im now in Bratislava (Gab jai une bonne photo pour toi tu va rire!) and its all right. The guy hosting me is working till 10pm, in a call center. But the funniest is that he works for a porn website comapgnie, so hes customers are mainly people complaning cause someone else stole their credit card details to spend it on that web site! wow cool job... Anyway, he is working far from the center so here i am waiting for him to come back so i can go to have a shower and sleep lol... He said there is maybe a Couch Surfers meeting here tonight, so then we will head up there.
Ah et en passant, jai rencontrer un couple de quebecois a Prague et en leur parlant jai realiser a quel point je perds mon francais! Jessayais de dire que je voyageais et cetait comme: je tra... je tra... je travel... heum tse voyons! Et puis a Vienne jai realiser que je pensais pratiquement tout le temps en anglais... Donc voici un retour du francais sur cette page. Jecris dans mon journal de bord, en francais evidemment, mais ce ne semble pas suffisent!

mercredi 8 avril 2009

Day 377

Wien is, till now, a bad and very bad experience... And the keybord is as confusing as Jiri's one... :(
The guy who was supposed to host me finally replied to me to comfirme it... half an hour ago... So I got to the train station here around 1pm. No currency exchance office, no internet, no locker to keep my bag, and I had nowhere to go.
Took the metro, found an internet cafe, found a more or less cheap hostel, tried to go there. Fucking far... But me, thinking that walking from the metro to the hostel, instead of taking the bus, could be nice. You know it was still sunny and the city is beautiful. But NO it wasn't!! The hostel is situated outside Vienna, on top of a mountain. I let you imagine myself with my bags, the huge sun and that monster to climb... I arrived here, went straight to the shower, and then, I got the answer of the guy... Bastard
But I have to reckon the view from here is amazing! But (because there is always a but) there is no kitchen nor shop close from here... I need to take the bus (i will never walk that again) to buy something I can eat without cooking... Obviously, i wanted to go around the city tonight to enjoy a bit, but a strom is starting...
Well finaly, im not to sure about being alone in a hostel. With CouchSurfing I spent the 2 last days alone, but at night we went out for a drink and it was really cool. Here now everybody are 8 years old or 40 ... and there is no bar and no night bus...
Yeah what a party in Wien youloulou!
:) but im full of hope for tomorrow... its HAS to be better lol

mardi 7 avril 2009

day 376

Im now sitting in a cool flat in Prague. The keybord is complicated (ěýž are instead of the numbers, zy are inversed, etc) and there is no sink in the kitchen, but the guy hosting me, Jiří, is really cool.I start visiting yesterday in the summers sun and looks like it will be the same today!

Here some pictures now yeah!

I made a new friend in a park! Jinkuya to the man who gave me some food!

I made a new friend, Gzachou. His mom wanted me in the family so we dicided to get maried in the train. Thats why Im wearing very posh aluminium jewels!

But it wasnt working, so I went with Michou.

And then with Darek!

And finaly with Grabbash

Guys all went crazy of jalousy! Look at them now!

But Touchka didnt care about that. She was happy with babtcha Janina :)

The wariatchy crew in a silly club

And now only THE wariatka sirenka with the wariat clock of Praha. (Wariat means crazy... by the way haha)

My Sirenka by the river, she felt almost like home!

And final touch, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hffh9bFKVnQ

lundi 6 avril 2009

Day 375

I'm still in Poland, I left the polish crew behind me. I'm now alone with the presents they gave me, like a badmonton medal, a small bottle of shampoo. a metal band t-shirt and a Mermaid key ring. Helps me to wait for my train to Prague without feeling to lonely in front of all those zul, drunk and homeless polish hanging out at the train stations.
Poland was too much fun, I felt like with my good friends for 2 weeks. Partying a lot, eating too much as well, now I should be ready (tak tak yesten gotowy!) for the lonely trip... Will be like a rehab lol
Nie foto now because I am standing in the middle of a train station, inserting 1zł every 6 minutes to keep using the net, but I will as soon as I can.
If you search for justeyouloulou (original I know!) on youtube you'll find videos from my trip. For now there is only Grabbash (on of the guy who hosted Marta and I last weekend in their crazy flat) talking about shampoo. All right its more like a polish inside joke now, but more videos are to come!!
Ale Betchka!

lundi 30 mars 2009

Day 369, foto

Here's few pictures from Sczczecin!

Morceau de murailles a Chozczno. Le mur faisait autrefois le tour du village, maintenant que quelques morceaux ont survecus au temps et a la guerre. malheureusement la ville et le gourvenement n'ont pas les moyen de le maintenir en bonne condition...

Greg and Mike, ou Grjechou y Michou

Grabbash et moi avec des tickers du genre: Fuck that, Don't fuck this up, Fuck yeah! etc. Et la main de Darek qui en etampe un sur ma joue...

Ja, Martouchka y Grabbash

Janis Jopplin with the diamond

Au party de Fete du Justyna, de gauche a droite: Darek(ikl a l'air d'un joueur de hockey Tcheck non?), moi un peu contente, Justyna, Francescou (il habite en france mais, a part moi, persone ne sait qu'il ne parle pas francais du tout!), et une autre polonaise, amie de longue date.

My bro Greg and my sista Marta! Happy in the train for 6 hours! :) fuck yeah

Grzesiu (Grjechou) faisant un remake of his first comunion. Better than the original picture!

Day 369

Je suis maintenant chez la maman de Martouchka, avec son frere Gzechou, a Varsovie.
Nous avons passe la fin de semaine a Sczczecin chez leurs amis, Grabbash et Darek. Comme Marta et Greg n'ont pas fait de saut par la depuis longtemps, tous leurs amis de Szczecin sont venu et c'etait comme si je les connaissais depuis super longtemps moi aussi. Je suis comme part of the family now! Tellement qu'ils m'ont appris beaucoup de polonais, pas tout super utile, mais je peux maintenant dire quelque chose comme: je parle un peu polonais. J'ai aussi un profile genre facebook, mais en polonais, y'a pas moyen de changer le truc de langue, mais j'ai deja plusieurs amis yeah! Haha. Mon nom la dessus est Justyna Dokurno (le prenom est la version polonaise du mien, et le nom de famile est celui de Martouchka et Gzechou. :)
On passe 3 jours ici, Marta et moi reprenons le train jusqu'a Choczcszno, c'est-a-dire un autre 6hrs de nuit assises entre 2 inconnus qui prennent toute la place... Ensuite le plan etait de rester avec ses grand-mere, mais peut-etre allons nous modifier un peu l'itineraire pour refaire un tour chez Grabbash et Darek. On voudrait retourner au meme club que samedi passe, danser sur du Drum'n bass jusqu'a 5am yeah! Moi ca me faisait penser aux cliches des clubs Tcheck dans les films americains a Prague, ou meme au meme genre de cliche mais a Berlin.
Ah puis le cliche de la Vodka (Wódka) en Pologne c'est surtout parce que tous les autres spirits coutent 2 et 3 fois plus cher! Meme avec nos Pounds qui nous rendent riches ici, Martouchka et moi avons opte pour ca...!

vendredi 27 mars 2009

Day 366

It's funny how Marta's friends are shy to speak english but after a few drinks they all can talk french english german russian spanish, anything! It's just a bit different with her grand-mothers... Today I was watching tv with her grandmother, she changed channel for BBC World, especially for me, but it was the, I don't know, economic-business hour... God! Boooring! Haha but it was nice from her anyway.
Still haven't try to put pictures on a computer, but I start having a lot of cool pictures yes!
Marta and I are now it Csezczin (or something like that). Some of her old friends are hosting us and her friend Mike came with us. He livend in London for a year but he had problems with his back so he went back to his little city, Chosczno (or something like that yeah). He brought us to play badminton 2 days ago (my arm is still painfull!) where we met his other friend Lech, a raqueton champion! It's basicly competitions of badminton, tennis and squash. I saw his playing badminton and he is a master! Then yesterday Mike took us to the swimming pool, where there was the biggest and most boring water slide I've seen in my life! haha Was cool though!
Otherwise, I don't know. I like being here. It's a bit sad though, because you can walk in the streets and see that Poland is poor. Nothing like starving kids beging money in the streets, but the big buildings they made after WW II give a strange look at the place.
Well anyway, food's ready! :)

mardi 24 mars 2009

Day 363

Im alive in Poland. Marta and I survived to the flight, even thought I lost my passport in the plane... I've been stucked at the borders for few minutes... I was lucky the guy was nice, he went to find it in the plane instead of beating me to death!
Im now using the computer of Marta's best friend's brother... yes haha we came here to visit Marta's best friend's parents while this girl, also named Marta, is in Dublin... Long and funny story!
We stay with Marta's grandma, and her mother came as well, to cook and so on. Food's awesome, her family is cool, but god, no one here's speak english nor french! And I only know how to say: hello thank you yes motherfucker fuck its fucking good goodbye... Anyways. Haha! Her grandmothers solved the problem, they talk to me in polish. When they see I don't understand, they repeat slower. Obviously I still don't understand so they try with signs... not always easy... So we finaly go get Marta to translate!
We stay in this small town till friday and then will go back to Czeczcin (the city with the lovely guy at the airport). Most of Marta's friend are now living their cause honnestly, there is not much to do in this town... We'll spend the weekend there, then we'll go to Warsow to visit Greg, Marta's brother (he used to lived in London so I met him quit often). After that I think we'll come back to her grandma's, for more polish food :) I like cabbage with meat wrapped in a kind of pasta! And hareng's salads are so tasty! Menoum
Weather is shit... It was already summer in London, for 2 weeks I haven't seen any rain, only sun, wind, sun sun sun! I spent so many days outdoor in any parks wiyth my sunglasses, and now that I am in holidays... rain, snow, rain, wind, minus 2... I guess it could be worst... hu hum...
Marta just told me that we gonna go swimming tomorrow, hopefully in a indoor pool! Youloulou!

vendredi 20 mars 2009

Day 359

La vieille folle qui vivait dans le salon d'un concil house m'a encore enguelée hier, principalement pour les raisons habituelles: je suis une jeune adolescente idiote qui gaspille ma vie, je ne fais AUCUN ménage dans cet appart, j'ai une vie sociale et un amoureux et ça la rend jalouse, je dois apprendre d'elle, tsé elle vieille folle qui a vraiment réussie sa vie car elle envoit ses enfants à l'école privée... En tout cas, ce cauchemar est maintenant terminé car je suis chez Marta jusqu'à dimanche, jour fatidique de mon départ de Londres.


1. Pologne (2 semaines) où nous irons visiter le 2 grand-mères de Marta, sa mère, son frère, et des amis. En gros, 2 semaines nourri-logé chez de contacts plonais! Yeah!

2. Prague, Vienne, Bratislava et Budapest (une semaine). Je serai seule et je tente de me faire accueuillir chez des membres de CouchSurfing, mais bon, pas encore super concluant. Faut dire que se faire inviter chez des inconnus la fin de semaine de Pâques, c'est pas super winner...

3. Croatie avec Mimi (10 jours). Elle nous a concoter un cool itinéraire dans les îles paradisiaques de Croatio où nous irons visiter, campigner et fêter! :)

4. Italie (4-5 jours) avec Ray. Hier, lors d'un souper de Proud chez Steph où Ray était invité, mon bar manager italien nous a parler oh comment Rome et Florence sont des belles villes et dont le fun. Il devrait me faire parvenir un plan des endroits essentiels à visiter! Donc, on pensait aller simplement à Rome, mais tout dépendra de la job de Ray. Avec le credit crunch son bureau de publishing de magasines vont couper 15% du staff. Comme il voulait partir cet été pour voyager en Amérique du Sud il s'est porté volontaire pour partir mais seulement en Août (avec un prime de départ bien entendu). Il saura donc dans les prochains jours la décision de sa boss, c'est-à-dire à quand sera le départ de Ray et de combien sera son bonus. Tout dépendament de ça, il choisira de passer plus de temps en Italie ou non.

5. France! Marseille d'abord parce que c'est joli dit-on, mais pas très longtemps parce que je me plain que les Français ne comprennent pas toujours mon accent, mais honnêtement le Sud de la France heu pfff... J'comprends rien! Donc disons 2 jours au Sud, ensuite cap sur Paris où j'irai visiter Jim au cimetière. Quelques autres jours pour visiter Montmartre et Amélie puis je vais voir Jérémy à Lille! Quelques jours là bas à picoler et faire la fête!!

6. Amsterdam peut-être bien. Comme je ne fume pas de gros bat et que je serai seule à ce moment, j'hésite un peu, mais parraît que la ville en soit est super belle et cool. J'imagine que c'est un phénomène à voir de toute façon!

7. Allemagne! Munich d'abord puis Berlin. Andy voudrait bien venir me voir quelques part dans ces coins là. C'est encore loin donc on a le temps de s'en reparler!

8. London I'll be back! Environ une semaine là question de revoir Marta et Ray et pleurer un ptit coup comme je me connais haha

9. 17 Mai 09, 15h heure d'ici je décollerai de Stanstead Airport pour attérir à 18h heure de MTL.

Je ne suis pas tellement prète, mais ça va aller. En fait je crois que pour des voyages du genre on ne peut jamais être 100% prèt. J'ai confiance au destin, Dieu sait ce que le futur m'apportera! haha

Autre nouvelle toute excitante, je déménage officiellement avec Nhu-Anh et Claude-Alex! Ils signent notre contrat lundi pour un appart vraiment cool à une minute du métro Laurier! Harcelez-les pour plus d'info à ce sujet :) Mais moi j'suis happy!

Dernier petit détail, je risqu d'écrire un peu en anglais dans les jours qui suivent questions de faire lire mon blog par mes amis anglais! Aucune inquiétude à avoir, je suis plus québécoise et fière de l'être que jamais!

vendredi 13 mars 2009

Day 352

Jai toujours pas reçue la caméra numérique neuve acheté via eBay il y a deux semaines... et je commence à m'iquiéter... ça risque de faire comme le colis que ma maman m'a envoyé pur ma fête... c'est-à-dire qu'il ne s'est jamais rendue à moi... Mais bon au moins je viens tout juste de découvrir que mon chargeur de cell se défait en 2 pièce, je peux donc le recharger avec un ordi grâce à la prise USB, eeettt! je peux mettre mes photos sur mon ordi. La qualité est à chier, mais bon, voilà quelques trucs intéressants dont les photos depuis mon arrivée ici :)

Andy plue par les potins du London Paper, à Camden Town pow pow!!

Pub du Canada dans le Tube, comme si on faisait tous du kayak!
Faute d'ortho sur un panneau de mise en garde du National Gallery. Do not feed the birds bla bla bla. Vous êtes dans l'interdiction de NOURIR les pigeons bla bla bla. Wow, c'est impossible marcher dans le centre de Londres sans entendre parler français, mais personne
n'est capable de taper «to feed» sur un site boboche de traduction... En tout cas, moi j'aurais bien voulu être payée pour corriger cette erreur!

Raph un matin. Content le vieux?

C'est la chambre d'Oisin... ça l'air de rien comme ça, mais il y avait des botch de cigarettes partout à terre ET un morceau de saucisse sur un sac de plastique bleu... Vous remarquerez qu'il n'avait pas de draps sur son lit... en tout cas, ça puait et je sais pas comment il vivait dans un lieu si insalubre!
Critique du restaurent chic Tabernacle, dans un journal quelconque. Si j'avais les moyens de me payer une bonne grosse bouffe j'irai assurément là!
Ici les britaniques prennaient pour le PLC on dirait bien...
Van, le ninja-mafioso
Finalement, We Are Wolves at Proud! youloulou!